Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Hook  >  Admin Menu  >  Define Menu Type

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_before_define_menu_type', string $menuType )

Fires while fetching the type of menu to use for the back-end of VikAppointments.


Plugins can use this filter to change the type of menu at runtime.

By default, VikAppointments supports only 2 types of menu:

  • horizontal, placed above the plugin contents (default one);
  • leftboard, placed on the left side.

In case you wish to create your own layout, you can define all the required classes here:


All the layouts should be placed here instead:


In case the specified layout doesn't exist, an exception will be thrown.



(string)  The type of the menu to use.


The example below explains how to use the leftboard layout in place of the default one.

 * Trigger filter to allow the plugins to choose a specific type to
 * use for the layout of the back-end menu.
 * @param  string  $menuType  The menu type to use.
add_filter('vikappointments_before_define_menu_type', function($menuType)
    return 'leftboard';


Version Description
1.0 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-07-28
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