Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Hook  >  Calendario  >  Mostrare Evento

apply_filters_ref_array( 'vikappointments_display_calendar_rect', bool $status, array &$data, mixed $event )

Fires before displaying an event within the weekly/daily calendar.


Trigger hook to let external plugins manipulate the text to display, the background color and additional data to introduce within the HTML rectangle.



(bool)  True on success, false otherwise.


(array)  An associative array of display data.

  • id - an array of appointments;
  • employee - an array of employees (assigned to the appointments);
  • service - an array of services (assigned to the appointments);
  • color - the (HEX) background color of the event to display (without #);
  • label - the HTML to display as label within the event.

(CalendarRect)  The object handling a list of events.


 * Trigger hook to let external plugins manipulate the text to display,
 * the background color and additional data to introduce within the HTML rect.
 * @param  boolean  $status  True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param  array    &$data   An associative array of display data.
 * @param  self     $rect    The object handling all the events.
add_filter('vikappointments_display_calendar_rect', function($status, &$data, $event)
     * @todo it is possible to manipulate here the data array

    return true;
}, 10, 3);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-06