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Load Supported Pages
apply_filters( 'vikappointments_load_supported_conversion_pages', array $pages )
Fires while fetching the pages that support the conversion codes.
Loads a list of supported pages that can be used while creating/editing a conversion code.
The name of the page must be equals to the view name in the front-end. In example, the page displaying the list of employees is called "employeeslist".
By default the system supports the following pages:
- confirmapp - the page used to fill the custom fields;
- order - the landing page after a successful purchase.
- $pages
(array) An array of pages. At the first execution of the filter, the return value might be null.
* Loads a list of supported pages that can be used while creating/editing a conversion code.
* The name of the page must be equals to the view name in the front-end. In example, the page
* @param array $pages An array of supported pages.
add_filter('vikappointments_load_supported_conversion_pages', function($pages)
if (!is_array($pages))
$pages = array();
// add support for the employee details page
$pages[] = 'employeesearch';
// add support for the service details page
$pages[] = 'servicesearch';
return $pages;
Version | Description |
1.2 | Introduced. |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-04