Italian (Italy)

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_customer_save', bool $status, array $data, bool $isNew )

Fires after saving a customer.


This hook triggers every time a customer is created or updated through VikAppointments.

NOTE: this hook is available only for backward compatibility and its support may cease in the future. It is suggested to use vikappointments_after_save_customer instead.



(bool)  True on success, false otherwise.


(array)  An associative array containing the saved details of the customer. The array might include only the columns that have been explicitly saved.


(bool)  True in case a new customer was created, false in case an existing customer was updated.


 * Trigger hook after saving a customer.
 * @param  boolean  $status  True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param  array    $data    The saved data.
 * @param  boolean  $isNew   True in case of INSERT, false in case of UPDATE.
add_filter('vikappointments_after_save_customer', function($status, $data, $isNew)
    // load all the details of the customer
    $customer = JModelVAP::getInstance('customer')->getItem($data['id']);

     * @todo do stuff here

    return $status;
}, 10, 3);


Version Description
1.0 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-08-05