Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Hook  >  E-Mail  >  Before Send Subject

apply_filters_ref_array( 'vikappointments_before_send_mail_subject_{$type}', bool $sendstring &$subject, object $data )

Fires while fetching the subject to use for notification e-mails.


Plugins can use this filter to manipulate at runtime the subject to use for e-mail notifications.

The dynamic portion of the hook name, $type, refers to the type of event that triggered the e-mail sending.
Here's a list of supported types:

  • customer
  • admin
  • cancellation
  • employee
  • waitlist
  • package
  • packadmin
  • usernote

This means that, for example, the notification e-mail sent to the customers will trigger a filter called vikappointments_before_send_mail_subject_customer.



(bool)  Use false to prevent the e-mail sending.


(string)  The current subject of the e-mail. Since the argument is passed as reference, it is possible to manipulate it.


(mixed)  The entity to notify. In case of an appointment, the argument will be a VAPOrderAppointment object.

The hook might specify additional arguments, which can vary according to the current type.


The example below uses a different e-mail subject depending on the status of the order. The new subject is applied only to the notification e-mail sent to the customers for appointments.

 * Triggers a filter to let the plugins be able to handle the subject of the e-mail.
 * The hook name is built as:
 * vikappointments_before_send_mail_subject_[type]
 * @param  boolean  $send      False to prevent the e-mail sending.
 * @param  string   &$subject  The current e-mail subject.
 * @param  object   $order     The appointment details.
add_filter('vikappointments_before_send_mail_subject_customer', function($send, &$subject, $order)
    if ($order->status == 'C')
        $subject = __('Your order has been confirmed', 'myplugin');
    else if ($order->status == 'P')
        $subject = __('Your order has been paid', 'myplugin');
    else if ($order->status == 'W')
        if ($order->id_payment > 0)
            $subject = __('Your order requires a payment', 'myplugin');
            $subject = __('Your order is waiting for a manual approval', 'myplugin');

    return $send;
}, 10, 3);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-16