Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Hook  >  Media  >  After Delete

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_after_delete_media', bool $status, string $id, string $path, JModel $model )

Fires after deleting a media file.


Trigger hook to allow the plugins to make something after deleting one or more media files. Unlike the before_delete hook, this one fires once for each deleted media file.



(bool)  True on success, false otherwise.


(string)  The name of the deleted media file. Occasionally, this argument may contain the full path.


(string)  An optional path from which the file has been deleted. If not specified, the default media folder was used.


(JModel)  The model instance that handles the deleting process.


 * Trigger event to allow the plugins to make something after
 * deleting a media file.
 * @param  boolean  $status  True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param  mixed    $id      The file identifier.
 * @param  mixed    $path    An optional path from which the file should has been deleted.
 * @param  JModel   $model   The model instance.
add_filter('vikappointments_after_delete_media', function($status, $id, $path, $model)
     * @todo do something after deleting the media file

    return $status;
}, 10, 4);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-08
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