Italian (Italy)

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_build_service_search_employees_data', bool $status, array &$employees, object $servicearray $options )

Fires before assigning the employees list to the service.


Trigger hook to manipulate at runtime the response of the query used to load the available employees for the service to display, under the Service Details page.

Third party plugins can alter the details of the loaded employees.



(bool)  True on success, false otherwise.


(array)  The list holding the available employees.


(object)  The object holding the service details.


(array)  An array of options.


 * Trigger hook to manipulate the query response at runtime. Third party
 * plugins can include further details into the service object.
 * @param  bool    $status      True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param  array   &$employees  A list of fetched employees.
 * @param  object  $service     An object holding the service details.
 * @param  array   $options     An array of options.
 * @return  void
add_filter('vikappointments_build_service_search_employees_data', function($status, &$employees, $service, $model)
     * @todo do stuff here

    return true;
}, 10, 4);


Version Description
1.2.12 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-05-14
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