Italian (Italy)

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_after_save_{$type}', bool $status, array $data, bool $isNew, JTable $table )

Fires after saving a record.


This hook is triggered after creating or updating a record. External plugins can use this hook to perform further actions after saving a record.

The dynamic portion of the hook name, $type, refers to the name of the table calling the hook. This means that, for example, the service table will trigger an hook called vikappointments_after_save_service. The name of the table is always equals to the base name of the file that declares the $table instance.

It is possible to read a list of supported types by looking at the files stored within the following directory:




(bool)  True on success, false otherwise.


(array)  The properties of the record that have been saved.


(bool)  True in case the record has been created, false in case an existing record was updated.


(JTable)  The table instance that handles the saving process.


 * Trigger hook to allow the plugins to make something after
 * saving a record.
 * @param  boolean  $status  True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param  mixed    $data    The saved record.
 * @param  boolean  $isNew   True if new, false in case of update.
 * @param  JTable   $table   The table instance.
add_filter('vikappointments_after_save_{$type}', function($status, $data, $isNew, $table)
     * @todo do something after saving a record

    return $status;
}, 10, 4);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-08-29
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