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After Dispatch
apply_filters( 'vikappointments_after_dispatch_webhook', bool $status, object $response, object $hook )
Fires after transmitting the payload to the web hook.
Plugins can use this filter to manipulate the response received after deploying the web hook.
- $status
(bool) True on success, false otherwise.
- $response
(object) The HTTP response holding the following properties:
- the HTTP status code;headers
- an associative array containing the headers received by the server;body
- the response received by the server.
- $hook
(object) An object holding the web hook details, such as the notified URL and a secret key.
* Plugins can use this event to manipulate the response received after
* deploying the web hook.
* @param boolean $status True on success, false otherwise.
* @param object $response The HTTP response object.
* @param object $hook The web hook details.
add_filter('vikappointments_after_dispatch_webhook', function($status, $response, $hook)
* @todo any changes applied to $response will be automatically saved into the log file
return $status;
}, 10, 3);
Version | Description |
1.2 | Introduced. |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-08-04