Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Widget  >  Filtro per Dipendenti  >  Missing employees while searching

Have you configured the locations for your employees but the plugin is not properly filtering them? This is probably due to a misconfiguration of the system.

In order to use the locations for filtering the employees, it is needed to assign them to the related working days, in this way the customers will be able to understand in which area an employee works for the selected date and time. A working time can be assigned only to a single location (or it can be left empty). If you leave all the location fields empty, the employee won't be displayed while searching through the Employees Filter module.

The working days assignments can be done by following these steps:

  • open the back-end of VikAppointments
  • visit the Management > Employees page
  • click the Locations button of an employee to access its locations
  • click the Working Days Assignment button
  • assign each working day to the related location
  • save the changes
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2019-07-26