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The Employees Locations widget is used to display all the working locations of the listed employees inside a Google Map. This widget is available only for the PRO package.
This widget can be published in the front-end by visiting the Appearance > Widgets page, where you have to click the VikAppointments Employees Locations button and choose the position in which it will be placed.
Here's a list of settings that can be found under the widget configuration.
- Title - type here the title of the widget that will be displayed in the front-end. You can leave it empty if you don't want to use the title.
- Map Height - the height of the box containing Google Maps. You have to specify px or % after the number (i.e. 320px or 30%).
- Enable Geolocation - pick the Always value if you want to show the location of the customer inside the map. The customers will be asked to allow the browser to retrieve their position through an apposite dialog. This feature is available only if the website owns an active SSL certificate.
- Load jQuery - usually all the pages where you want to publish your widget already load jQuery framework. In this case this parameter should be disabled, otherwise a jQuery conflict could occur.
- Menu Item - here you can specify a menu item to follow, so that when the form will be submitted, the selected page will be used.
- Layout - you can choose here the layout that will be used to display the widget in the front-end. If you have any theme overrides for the widget, you will be able to select them from here.
- Module Class Suffix - you can specify here an additional class suffix for the widget, which allows for individual styling.
It is suggested to publish the widget on a "full-size" position of the theme, for example under the main contents.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2019-07-12