Il tuo carrello è vuoto!
Main Plugin file
Plugin Name: VrcCustomAdminWidgets
Plugin URI:
Description: Custom admin widgets for VikRentCar.
Author: E4J s.r.l.
Author URI:
License: GPL2
License URI:
// no direct access
defined('ABSPATH') or die('No script kiddies please!');
// register callback for filter "vikrentcar_load_admin_widgets"
add_filter('vikrentcar_load_admin_widgets', function($return)
if (!$return)
$return = [];
* Since multiple plugins could add their own custom admin widgets, it
* is necessary to always merge the paths to the admin widget files of
* this plugin to any previous widget that may have already been injected.
* Simply define an array of absolute paths to the PHP files that declare
* the needed class by VikRentCar to load an admin widget.
* In this example, we are telling VikRentCar to load two custom admin widgets.
return array_merge($return, [
// WP_PLUGIN_DIR = absolute server path to plugin's directory
// vrccustomadminwidgets = the name of this custom plugin
// admin_widgets = a private/internal folder of this custom plugin
// custom_one.php = the class file that declares the admin widget
WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/vrccustomadminwidgets/admin_widgets/custom_one.php',
// custom_two.php = the class file that declares the admin widget
WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/vrccustomadminwidgets/admin_widgets/custom_two.php',
add_filter( 'vikrentcar_load_admin_widgets', function( $return )
Fired during the plugin installation, it's necessary to define the widgets paths to let VikRentCar recognize them as Widgets for your Dashboard.
This hook is needed to create a new native Wordpress plugin that will be the used by VikRentCar to extend his widgets framework and include the plugins you've created in your VikRentCar dashboard.
- function($return)
Function where you'll return the file paths for the callback of the filter 'vikrentcar_load_admin_widgets'
The example below explains how to define a basic VikRentCar widget.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-11-17