Italian (Italy)

apply_filters_ref_array( 'vikrestaurants_load_restaurant_reservation_details', bool $status, mixed &$query, int $id, mixed $langtag, array $options )

Fires while creating the query used to load the details of a restaurant reservation.


External plugins can attach to this hook in order to manipulate the query at runtime, useful to include some details that are not fetched by default.



(bool)  True on success, false otherwise. It is possible to manipulate this argument to alter the query used to fetch the reservation details.


(string|JDatabaseQuery)  Either a query string or a query builder instance.


(int)  The ID of the reservation to load.


(null/string)  An optional language tag for i18n support.


(array)  An associative array containing a few loading options.


The example below can be used to override the ordering of the query, by sorting the purchased products with their specified ordering.

 * External plugins can attach to this hook in order to manipulate
 * the query at runtime, in example to alter the default ordering.
 * @param   boolean  $status   True on success, false otherwise.
 * @param 	mixed    &$query   A query builder instance.
 * @param 	integer  $id       The ID of the reservation.
 * @param 	mixed    $langtag  The language tag. If null, the default one will be used.
 * @param 	array 	 $options  An array of options to be passed to the order instance.
add_filter('vikrestaurants_load_restaurant_reservation_details', function($status, &$query, $id, $langtag, $options)
    $dbo = JFactory::getDbo();

    // let's load the product image too
    $query->select($dbo->qn('sp.image', 'product_image'));

    // join table holding the details of the product with the table of the purchased items
    $query->leftjoin($dbo->qn('#__vikrestaurants_section_product', 'sp') . ' ON ' . $dbo->qn('i.id_product') . ' = ' . $dbo->qn(''));

    // clear any other ordering
    // set our new ordering
    $query->order($dbo->qn('sp.ordering') . ' ASC');

    return true;
}, 10, 5);


Version Description
1.2.1 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-03-03
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