Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Restaurants  >  Hooks  >  Carrello Take-Away  >  Calculate Item Total

do_action_ref_array( 'vikrestaurants_calculate_item_total', float &$total, Item $item )

Fires while calculating the total amount of a take-away item.


Plugins attached to this hook can change the calculated total at runtime. The total cost is meant to be before taxes.

NOTE: calling $item->getTotalCost() in this hook will result in recursion.



(float)  The default total amount. Since this argument is passed by reference, it is possible to manipulate it.


(Item)  The object holding the details of the item. This class is part of the E4J\VikRestaurants\TakeAway\Cart namespace.


The example below always increases by 1 the cost of the items for guest users.

 * Plugins attached to this hook can change the calculated total at runtime.
 * Note. Calling $item->getTotalCost() in this hook will result in recursion.
 * @param  float  &$total  The calculated total cost.
 * @param  Item   $item    The item instance.
add_action('vikrestaurants_calculate_item_total', function(&$total, $item) {
    // check if we have a user not logged-in
    if (wp_get_current_user()->exists() == false) {
        // increase item price
}, 10, 2);


Version Description
1.3 The hook has been changed from a filter into an action as the plugin didn't need a return value anymore.
1.1 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-01-04
100% delle persone lo ha trovato utile.
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