Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Hook  >  Export  >  Default Drivers  >  ICS  >  After Build Event

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_after_build_event_ics', string $rules, array $event, mixed $data, mixed $handler )

Fires before terminating a VEVENT block.


Trigger hook to allow the plugins to include custom options within the current calendar event. Here it is possible to attach new rules.

It is possible to include new options by appending them to the $rules argument or by using the helper methods provided by $handler instance.

// append to return argument
$rules .= "X-VAP-CUSTOM:XYZ\n";
// append through the ICS handler
$handler->addLine('X-VAP-CUSTOM', 'XYZ');



(string) The rules to append at the end of the ICS head.


(array)  An associative array containing the data of the event.


(JObject)  A registry holding the details of the row fetched from the database.

It is possible to use $data->get($key) to access the internal properties of the record.


(VAPOrderExportDriverIcs)  The instance used to export the records. Provides some helper methods to encode the ICS lines.


 * Trigger event to allow the plugins to include custom options within the
 * current calendar event.
 * @param  string   $rules    The rules to include within the event body.
 * @param  mixed    &$event   The event data.
 * @param  JObject  $data     The row fetched from the database.
 * @param  mixed    $handler  The current handler instance.
add_filter('vikappointments_after_build_event_ics', function($rules, $event, $data, $handler)
    // include a new custom rule in the form: [PROPERTY]:[VALUE]
    $handler->addLine('X-VAP-LAST-UPDATE', $handler->tsToCal('now'));

    // include a new custom rule in the form: [PROPERTY];[RULE]:[VALUE]
    $handler->addLine(['X-VAP-URL', 'VALUE=URI'], '');

    // manually include a custom rule
    $rules .= "X-VAP-URL-SHORT;VALUE=URI:\n";

    return $rules;
}, 10, 4);


Version Description
1.2.0 The $data argument is now a registry instance.
1.1.8 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-08
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