Italian (Italy)

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_before_validate_customer_subscription', bool $subscribed, mixed $customer, array $services, mixed $checkin )

Fires before checking whether a customer owns an active subscription.


This hook can be used to apply additional conditions to the subscription validation.

It can be used to skip the default system validations.

NOTE: calling $customer->isSubscribed() would result in recursion.



(bool|null)  True to flag the customer as subscribed, false to flag it as expired or not yet subscribed, null to rely on the default system.


(VAPCustomer)  The object holding the customer details.


(array)  A list of services to check.


(string)  An optional check-in date (UTC).


 * This hook can be used to apply additional conditions to the subscription validation.
 * It can be used to skip the default system validations.
 * @param  mixed        $subscribed  True to flag the customer as subscribed, false to flag it as
 *                                   expired or not yet subscribed, null to rely on the default system.
 * @param  VAPCustomer  $customer    The customer details.
 * @param  array        $services    A list of services to check.
 * @param  mixed        $checkin     An optional check-in date (UTC). 
add_filter('vikappointments_before_validate_customer_subscription', function($subscribed, $customer, $id, $checkin)
     * @todo here it is possible to intercept the default validation method

    return $subscribed;
}, 10, 4);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-08-23
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