Italian (Italy)

apply_filters( 'vikappointments_before_build_timeline', bool $show, mixed $search, string $date, int $people, int $id )

Fires before constructing the object wrapping the timeline.


Trigger hook to check whether the availability timeline should be displayed or not. Useful in example to avoid showing the timeline to guest users.

NOTE: throw an exception to prompt a message to the front-end user to explain why the timeline is not visible.



(bool)  False to prevent the timeline from showing.


(VAPAvailabilitySearch)  The availability search handler, holding all the query details.


(string)  The UTC date in military format.


(int)  The number of attendees.


(int)  The selected appointment ID, if any.


The example hides the timeline for the users that aren't logged in.

 * Trigger hook to check whether the availability timeline should be displayed
 * or not. Useful in example to avoid showing the timeline to guest users.
 * Throw an exception to display an error message to the front-end user.
 * @param  boolean  $show    False to hide the timeline.
 * @param  mixed    $search  The search handler.
 * @param  string   $date    The UTC date in military format.
 * @param  integer  $people  The number of participants.
 * @param  integer  $id      The selected appointment ID.
add_filter('vikappointments_before_build_timeline', function($show, $search, $date, $people, $id)
    // check whether the user is logged in
    if (!VikAppointments::isUserLogged())
        // we have a guest user, show error message and hide the timeline
        throw new Exception(__('You must be logged in', 'my-plugin'));

    // propagate default status
    return $show;
}, 10, 5);


Version Description
1.2 Introduced.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2021-10-05
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