Italian (Italy)
Knowledge Base  >  Vik Appointments  >  Cron Job Automatizzati  >  Come programmare un Job con un Cron

The scheduling of a cron job strictly depends on the control panel provided by the server, which can offer an advanced interface to register a cron through a specific form, or more simply via terminal.

The following instructions are a bit abstract and are just a simple representation of how a cron job could be scheduled.

  1. Access your server control panel (e.g. CPanel or Siteworx) in order to schedule a job.
  2. Visit the cron job section and click the button that will be used to create a new schedule.
  3. Select an interval that should be suitable to your needs (e.g. every 30 minutes).
  4. Assign the cron job to the wp-cron.php file located in the root of your website (an absolute path should be used here).

If you have no idea how to schedule a cron job through the control panel of your server, you should contact your hosting provider.

Note that, even if you don't schedule a server cron, the jobs that you created from VikAppointments are still periodically executed, but only in case your website is visited by some users.
A server cron job is indeed used to prevent this limitation, as the server periodically invokes itself, just to simulate a user ping/visit.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2019-07-10
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