Come personalizzare l'Email Cliente
Every time a new rental order gets saved from the front-end, no matter what the status is, the customer will be notified via email with a summary of the order and a link to the details page.
The email message for the customer is sent in HTML format and its content is generated through a PHP Template-File that can be customized.
The Template-File that generates the content of the email message is the following:
By downloading the file with an FTP client like FileZilla and by opening it with a good text-editor, you will be able to customize the layout of the email message with different colors and contents.
The file contains mostly HTML code as well as some special elements that will be replaced with values such as Pick up Date, Drop off Date, Locations, Customer Information etc.. you can easily locate this syntax because each element is enclosed within curly brackets. Example: {customer_info}.
All the language definitions used for the email message can be found in the .PO and .MO translation files for both front-end and back-end because the email message for the customer could also be re-sent from the administrator section. So, if you are willing to change any definition, you should do it from the following language files: