English (United Kingdom)

Authorize.net AIM

Seamless integration for Authorize.net
60 €
Version 1.0
Requirements WordPress 4+
Price is one-time payment with no domain restrictions and no needed License Keys. This is a downloadable product that contains the installer zip file for the WordPress Plugin. A Pro version of one of the Vik Plugins must be installed. Free versions of the Vik Plugins do not support Payment Gateways.

The Authorize.net AIM (Advanced Integration Method) payment gateway works with all Vik Plugins. After installing and activating this plugin on your WordPress website, you will be able to collect money through this payment gateway with your Vik Plugins.

Authorize.net AIM is a seamless integration, meaning that the credit card transactions are processed directly from your website. The customers will never leave your website. An SSL certificate (HTTPS) is required on your WordPress website.

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