English (United Kingdom)

apply_filters( 'vikrestaurants_display_reservation_summary', string $html, object $reservation )

Fires after displaying the summary of a restaurant reservation.


Trigger hook to let the plugins add custom HTML contents below the reservation summary.

The returned HTML will be always displayed after the default contents of the page.



(string)  The HTML to include.


(VREOrderRestaurant)  The instance holding the restaurant reservation details.


 * Trigger event to let the plugins add custom HTML contents below the reservation summary.
 * @param  string  $html         The HTML string to include within the document.
 * @param  object  $reservation  The object holding the reservation details.
add_filter('vikrestaurants_display_reservation_summary', function($html, $reservation) {
    // append custom HTML
    $html .= '<code>HTML CODE WILL BE ADDED HERE</code>';

    return $html;
}, 10, 2);


Version Description
1.3 Introduced.
Last Update: 2023-12-21
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