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Knowledge Base  >  VikUpdater  >  Checking and Downloading Updates

Starting from the 2.0 version of the plugin, the updates are perfectly integrated with the default updating system provided by WordPress. Update checks and notifications are periodically applied in background by WordPress itself.

Whenever the system discovers a more recent version of a plugin, from the plugins list you should be able to see a message similar to the one described in the following screenshot.

VikUpdater - Plugin new version found

If you are rather looking for a theme update, under the Appearances - Themes page, after clicking the details of a theme, you should see a scenario similar to the one described in the following screenshot.

VikUpdater - Theme new version found

Bear in mind that, in order to avoid repeated requests, the response of the update server is internally cached for a random range between 12 and 24 hours.

If you are looking for a newer version of a plugin, you can bypass this limitation by clicking the "View Details" button from the WordPress Plugins page, since these kind of requests are cached only for 5 minutes. This should force VikUpdater to empty the cache of the update requests.

In case you have a theme, make sure that the latter is active, otherwise the subscription to VikUpdater won't be supported.

Last Update: 2023-11-20
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