English (United Kingdom)

The Fares Table is the pricing table of each vehicle - the default Rates Inventory. Rates are expressed by duration of rental in Days, Hours and/or Extra Hours. Vehicles without a cost for the requested duration of rental, will not be available for booking.

Daily Fares

The system will always require to have the cost defined for 1 day of rental, even if you are just going to offer hourly rentals. For adding your daily costs, use the form displayed at the top of the page and make sure the vehicle selected in the drop down is the right one.
You will be able to specify a cost for each Type of Price and it is possible to add a rate for a specific type of price only for a certain duration. For example, it is possible to add a cost for the "Full Insurance" rate plan only from 3 days of rental or more by not setting any cost for that Type of Price for 1 or 2 days.
Rates can be added by using the form like this:

- From 1 - to 3 Days: EUR 50 per day.

This will populate the rates up to 3 days of rental and 3 days will cost EUR 150. With the current configuration, 4 days of rental would not be allowed for this vehicle because there are no rates defined.
Rates can be modified by using the input fields displayed in the grid below the creation form and then by clicking on the Update Fares button on the top-right of the grid. Rates can be removed day by day by selecting some with the checkboxes and by clicking on the toolbar button Remove Fares.

Hourly Fares

The hourly rates are applied only to rentals shorter than 24 hours. The system will calculate the exact duration of the rental from the pick up date and time and the drop off date and time.
If there is a cost for 1 day of rental and a cost for the calculated hours, the system will apply the cost for that amount of hours defined in the Hourly Fares tab.

If there isn't a cost for the number of hours requested, the system will apply the tariff for 1 day of rental. In case the cost for 1 day is missing, the system will raise an error and the vehicle will not be bookable.

Extra Hours Charges

The Extra Hours Charges are only applied to rentals greater than 24 hours. For example, a rental lasting 2 Days and 4 Hours can be charged for the 4 extra hours.

The system always calculates the exact duration in Days and Hours for each rental. Given the example above of 2 Days and 4 Hours, the system will check if a charge for 4 Extra Hours is defined in the Fares Table. If there is a cost for 4 hours, the system will apply the cost for 2 days of rental + the charge for 4 extra hours. If a cost for 4 extra hours hasn't been defined, the system will apply the cost for 3 days of rental in that example.

There is a configuration setting to ponder the calculation of the days and hours of rental, it's the "Hours of Extended Gratuity Period". In the example of 2 Days and 4 Hours of rental, if that configuration setting was set to 3 Hours, the system will check if a charge for 1 Extra Hour is defined. If so, the system will apply the cost for 2 Days of rental plus the charge for 1 Extra Hour because 3 hours are free. Again, if that configuration setting was set to 4 hours, a rental for 2 Days and 4 Hours would be charged for just 2 Days, no matter if there are Extra Hours Charges defined.


Last Update: 2016-02-25